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Accounting outsourcing in South Africa

Continuous service delivery provided by our online portal solutions

Our highly qualified and experienced accountants in South Africa provide services that help you to keep control over your local accounting obligations and stay compliant with diverse range of regulations, standards and reporting requirements.

We cover over 50 jurisdictions globally

We provide services to more than 15,000 clients

We engage nearly 2,500 professionals

We are ISO and ISAE audited


  • Peace of mind that all your local operations meet statutory requirements and non-compliance risks are minimized
  • Reduced costs of running your internal accounting department and licence fees
  • Real-time compliance with legislation updates


  • Standardised, streamlined and effective accounting and bookkeeping processes with high level of automation across more entities and countries
  • Utilising Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to automate repetitive processes in order to avoid human errors while essentially increasing accuracy and speed of accounting operation
  • Access to our Accounting online portal designed to eliminate paper work, speed up workflows and increase transparency and continuity of all accounting processes – via digitisation and automation


  • Improved decision making and better control over your local and cross-country accounting operations and reporting
  • Certified processes for business continuity, top-level security and data protection, service quality and environmental management according to ISO standards across all locations
  • Access to highly qualified, well-matched team of local accounting specialists, backed-up by our international network of tax and legal teams

Our Accounting online portal is designed to simplify, automate, and streamline accounting processes, fully digitizing them to reduce paperwork and related errors. It provides better control, oversight, and increased transparency over documents and workflows in a secure and user-friendly cloud environment. With direct integration into your ERP system, the portal serves as a single interface for your accounting needs, offering immediate updates and reports on your company’s financial status.

Digitalize your accounting documents and workflows

Manage your purchase invoices more effectively

Track the financial status of your company in real-time

Connect the portal directly to your accounting software

Accace operates internationally as Accace Circle, a co-created business community of like-minded BPO providers and advisors who deliver outstanding services with elevated customer experience and erase the borders of service delivery. Covering over 50 jurisdictions with nearly 2,500 professionals, we support more than 15,000 customers, mostly mid-size and international Fortune 500 companies from various sectors, and process at least 200,000 pay slips globally. 

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